Runing a race without a finish line. Sounds crazy, right? Speaking of races, the Olympics are just around the corner. Can't wait!
How do you define success? Do you define it both in longer term ways and shorter term ways? Ask yourself today...what does success look like to me at the end of the day?
Maybe there are 1 or 2 very important things that you need to get done today. Great, go with those. Prioritize them. De-prioritize the other items. What exactly has to get done? Is it measurable? Is it specific? Is it visible? How can you hold yourself accountable for getting them done? What is the specific next action step you can take? Have you provided enough of a buffer in your day so that you will get them done? We all know ... "things come up."
Defining success on a daily basis can be something that provides you a lot more fulfillment and freedom. I see a lot of people that basically review their days and focus on the things they DID NOT get done and that fuels fear and stress ending your day. Focus on what you (1) said you would get done, ie. the promise(s) to yourself, and (2) what you did get done, ie. the fulfillment of that promise to yourself.
Success breeds success but first you must define it and be honest with yourself. Make the end of your day a happy ending. All promises you make and keep to yourself do something more ... they make deposits in your self-integrity bank. Build your bank by crossing YOUR finish line, daily!
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