Friday, May 22, 2009

Procrastination Reason #2 (of 10) - Fear of Failure

#2 Fear of failure!

Sometimes people procrastinate doing something because they fear they will not be able to accomplish the (sometimes complex) task. They will fail! Their mind races into the uncertain future with the fear-cloud of failure hanging overhead.

One of the biggest reasons people procrastinate when facing a tough task or project is the fear of diminishing them self (in their view.) Thank about it ... if you don't try or don't start, you might not feel like you are risking failure. You did not try or start, so you did not fail! You know how we accountants are risk averse!

The problem with that is not doing anything at all ... all that does it keep you in the EXACT same position you are right now! If that is what you want, if moving forward is not a goal, then by all means do nothing. Hide out under your fear cloud.

How do you fight the fear mind-set? First of all, you recognize it. You identify fear as your obstacle and you identify the specific fear. Define the fear clearly. What are you specifically fearing? What is the outcome? How does that outcome affect you negatively? What is the real risk here?

Now you need to take a different perspective (because the perspective you were taking before was not working!)

What will it take for you to overcome your fear? Be intentional about it. Ask yourself:

What is the cost of NOT getting this done, of not trying at all?
What is the cost to your confidence and your personal brand of allowing fear to stop you in your tracks?
Is it ok if you fail?
Is it ok if you try and fail? How can that be a good thing? How can that be a learning event?
How will it feel if you can overcome your fear?
How do you specifically get started in overcoming your fear?

Procrastination no more!

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