Want your colleagues to act more like a "team"? Act more like a teammate to them.
Want more communication? Be a better communicator.
Do these ideas sound obvious?! .... then be obvious. People will respect and gravitate more towards your actions then they will in responding to your pleas for improvement.
I was recently involved in a discussion (close to an argument) with one of my family members about the act of listening. We both thought the other did not listen (and we were both probably right.) So finally, after being stubborn for too long, I just decided I was going to stop everything and listen to his every word at our next lunch. Guess what happened? It became reciprocal. It was hard at first for me, but it was a great feeling in the end because it led to much better results.
Lead by action....then watch others emulate.
It’s amazing how simple actions seem to be, but how ignored they become. I suppose it goes back to the old saying "treat those the way you want to be treated". This sounds simple enough, but how often is it overlooked. Perhaps its simplicity maybe the very reason it is so easily overlooked.
P.S. I think a comment box under each 'blog', rather than a link, would be better served.
You are right it does sound simple, it's all in the execution .. being intentional about committing to do these (simple) things.
Thanks for the feedback on the blog also!
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