Friday, October 9, 2009

Can an Accountant be "In The Zone?"

I know a lot of accountants who are currently in one of their "busy seasons" until the October 15th deadline. I bet at one point during a very busy time you have felt like you were "in a zone", where time was just flying by and you were getting lots of work done. (despite lots of pressure)

You have probably heard athletes talk about when they are in a "zone" and what they were doing (whether it was shooting a basketball or running a race) came effortlessly .... even though we know a lot of effort was required.

Many accountants will laugh at me when I try and use such an analogy, but it is worth investigating.

Be reflective. Why were you so productive? What did you do? What about your environment did you set up that aided you? What did you "enjoy" about that busy time?

You probably flexed your muscles a bit, and started to reach levels of productivity you either did not think were possible or had not achieved before. Remember you can wait all your life to try and find the most enjoyable thing you can do vocationally; but sometimes just a pursuit of excellence, in no matter what you are doing, can BECOME enjoyable because you are challenging yourself....and you ARE WINNING.


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