Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tipping is Contagious, so are complements

Have you ever seen a tip jar completely empty? Maybe it is with a sushi chef or a at a pizzeria, deli, or barber shop. (On a side-note has anyone noticed MORE tip jars lately?!)

The question is -- Why are they almost never empty? Is it because they never empty them? I doubt that. The skeptical auditor in me says it is because they are stuffed to attract more tips! So some of them are fake! Now maybe I am wrong, maybe I am right ... but I also reflect back to the times when I have actually dropped a tip in that jar and I bet every time there was already money in the jar ... maybe lots of money.

So, does the perception of "lots of tips" made by others inspire me to tip more? Maybe!

I cannot help but relate this to an average accountants' day. How many complements do you see (and hear of course) others making to your colleagues? Do you think that could be contagious too? So if you hear lots of complements going around the room will that make you want to join in and look for ways to complement others? If you think the answer might be "maybe" ... START the complement "tipping" yourself. Just don't fake it!

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