Saturday, October 25, 2008

Try Timing Yourself

Sometimes simply timing yourself in completing a task can be a productivity boost.

For example, You have a long memo to write. Maybe you are dreading it. Put your watch by your side and time how long it takes. Ready, set, go. You are on the clock!!

How can this help? It creates a sense of urgency within your brain about the ONE task at hand. You are only doing that one task and you are timing yourself and now you are accounting for every second you spend. FOCUS!

This might not be the best thing to do all the time, but for a change-up in your approach, especially in cases where you just want to plow through one particular task, give it a try.

No joke, I know a few people who like this simple timing idea so much that they will sometimes use those old looking kitchen timers. They will set it right next to them, set it for 10 minutes and then ding ding, see where they are at with their task when the timer goes off. The answer ... probably further along than without it!

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