Friday, October 10, 2008

What are your Leadership Routines?

What are your intentional leadership routines? What do you do on a consistent basis that helps you fulfill your leadership role at your company, or even at home? It is kind of fun to think about it that way and brainstorm on ideas that might be proactive "leadership" actions....

Hold a meeting with a different report on a weekly or monthly basis to catch up on their goals and career ambitions.

Solicit feedback from those that work with you (or live with you) on ways you can make their lives easier and contribute to their success.

Of course it is another matter all together to COMMIT to doing leadership routines you construct on a consistent basis. This also presents another opportunity to be creative with your time management. For example, you have to eat and some of these things could be combined with breakfast and lunch.

So .... What are your leadership routines, those things you do that influence others in positive ways, and that are above and beyond the day to day responsibilities you maintain? What creative and enjoyable ideas do you have? What are you doing already that falls in this category?

How can you commit to doing these things on a consistent basis? What might the value be in executing them consistently?

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